About Us

Shooting Stars Cultural and Leadership Center, founded by Jamie and Cristalray Dominguez, is a newly formed nonprofit community center serving the San Luis Valley from the South Side of Alamosa. With a generous grant from The Colorado Health Foundation a building, 807 Ross Avenue in Alamosa, was purchased. The former Head Start building will house various projects in the community and serve as a neutral space for community needs.
"If you want to start healing and creating safe spaces you have to go back into the generations and listen to people and learn where they come from before you can facilitate change."

In The Valley Pod, Alamosa Citizen co-founder Chris Lopez talks with interesting people around the San Luis Valley. In this episode he talks to Crystalray and Jamie Dominguez about the inspiration behind their new nonprofit; Shooting Stars Cultural and Leadership Center. Recorded at The Citizen’s Worldwide Headquarters on Alamosa’s south side, where Chris grew up and where Shooting Stars is located.